Tuesday, March 27, 2007

An Instruction Manual: Mike Vitale

I found this a few weeks ago on a bright red torn piece of paper tucked behind a dusty bookshelf I recently moved to the other side of my bedroom; enjoy:

I wish there was an instruction manual to life
Even though I'm a boy, I'd probably use it
Step 32 might lend a clue to the frown on your face
and the sudden, "Fuck you."

But nothing's ever as easy as we thought it would be
Besides, instruction manuals are written by human beings

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Update on the new album IDIOSYNCRASIES - CD Track Listing

Hey Everyone,

I have been meaning to to do this for the past few weeks, and much to the chagrin of others around me (especially those around me immediately, urging me to turn off the lights and go to bed), I decided to post this blog while it is on the forefront of my memory (which seems so fleeting as of late).

I mainly just want everyone to know that the artwork for Idionsyncrasies is almost complete and that I am weeks away from having the CD pressed. In the meanwhile, I have been selling advance copies without artwork. I hope to have the album available on iTunes shortly as well, so keep your eyes peeled! Also, thank you for purchasing the album and not burning it for friends - the idea is for me to make a living at this. ;)

For those of you who have purchased a copy without artwork (bless your hearts), here is the tracklisting for the CD so you know what to call the songs (request to your heart's content at a venue near you):

1.) The Only One I Need
2.) All the Reasons that I Fell in Love with Her
3.) Weight of the World
4.) Last Night
5.) Original Sin
6.) Times Like These
7.) Irrationality
8.) On My Knees
9.) The Grocery Store Cerk
10.) Don't Go

I hope that this finds everyone well! If anyone has any questions regarding the new album, please, drop me a line!

Be Good,


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

I don't even know where to start with this story. What began as a general attempt at being a good person, has now invariably led to the addition of a new furry object on my person. Yes, the ratio of pussy to Mike in my household has increased 3 to 1. What am I talking about? Let me explain.

I was coming home from band practice the other night when I heard meowing from the steps above my apartment door. Upon further investigation, I realized that there was a 4 to 5 month old kitten direly in need of attention. Next thing I knew, she was rubbing my leg and it was all over. I took her home and my bathroom has had the fragrant aroma of pooh and kitty litter ever since.

I had noticed when I found Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto (that's her new name by the way) that she had been de-clawed recently, so I issued a block wide man hunt the next day for her owner, whom of which, 40 flyers later and a billion knocks door to door, I found. It appears that the previous owner was forced to release her cat because the apartment complex she lives in does not allow pets. So she released her young kitten on the world… and then, well, the fury little hellion found me. This was about three days ago.

Domo has quite the talent for keeping me up at night. A matter of fact, Jameson (the other pussy in my life) has a rather good knack for this as well. The two have teamed up to make sure that I don't have a good night's sleep, ever! Seriously, I'm thinking that they conspire to allow me no rest with whispers of "Meow and Mutiny." They have a career in WWE waiting if this home life thing never works out for them.

I constantly hear people say that cats are horrible pets (and they're right). Think about it, dogs have that whole pack mentality thing happening where humans can assume the role of leader… and dogs just fall in line. Cats on the other hand, see right through that bullshit; they are independent creatures by nature. I think that's why I like cats so much. They jump on the table for attention; they know it's going to piss me off, but since I ignore them, they push my buttons just to get me to pay attention to them. It's kind of cute once you stop screaming at them… and utterly devious. In all respects, I am positive that they think I am theirs: "Feed me human! Can't you see I'm starving, oh, and while you're at it, my cat box is soiled; get to it bucko… oops, did I just vomit on your carpet; my bad."

I think next time I'm going to think twice about being a good person…

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Introducing Geoff Ereth

...you probably have never heard his name before, but I am fairly confident that you will right now by reading this (aren't I a clever little fellow).

I have the pleasure of being friends with this guy, but to me, he is far more than just that.

I first met Geoff in a small coffee shop in Santa Ana called the Gypsy Den at their weekly open mic when I first moved to Orange County in 2002. Geoff was the tender age of whatever (is it really important?), and I (who cares). What is really important to note is that I fell in love with his voice the first time I heard him sing; he played a Cole Porter tune called "Love for Sale." Now, you know how when you accidentally cough up a little bit of vomit, not enough to consider it puking... but just enough to ruin the taste in your mouth... well, I did the same thing, but instead of it having anything to do with vomit/mouth, it had more to do with a particular sexual feature of my body and a brand new pair of underwear (no, I'm not gay, unless you mean gay for Geoff... wait, am I Geoff?). At any rate, I was astounded and amazed by someone who was not a superstar or a rock star, but a mere mortal... much more to the point, he was better than anything I had ever heard on the radio (and to this day, it still stands true).

I don't remember exactly how I approached Geoff, but if anything, I remember feeling very intimidated, considering that I had, at this time, only a few songs that I had written and was very much a novice songwriter. Now, for those of you who have never been to the Gypsy Den, it is very quaint, poorly lit for mood, and small, with furniture that does not match... essentially, it look like a Gypsy Den! So, as I left my mismatched chair with coffee in hand, I squeezed through a few other mismatched chairs, ran in to a couple of tables, tripped a few times, and finally came to rest and kneel before the most awe-inspiring local musician I had ever witnessed! Of course, these feelings of inferiority passed immediately considering that Geoff was and is such a tender fellow and appeared to love my voice too. He mentioned something about how he was just getting ready to approach me, but was waiting for the person's set to end (as we were at the weekly open mic and someone was in the middle of performing - how uncouth of me, hehe).

To make a long story short, the open mic eventually ended, and Geoff and I sat outside of the closed coffee shop for several hours: trading stories, passing a guitar back and forth, while making each other laugh with an uncannily similar taste in thoroughly disgusting humor. We have been friends ever since.

Now, you may be wondering, "why is Mike telling me this story?" Well, if anything, it is to remind me that Geoff is just a normal human being like you and me… yet, he manages to write the most beautiful, touching, and supernatural songs that I have EVER heard in my entire life; for me, he is like the experience of finding God. He has made me laugh, he has made me cry, he has made a mess of my underwear… all by just listening to his CD. You should listen to him too; I promise that your life will never be the same!

He is very easy to find too. He is and always will be the first friend listed on my Top 12 of myspace OR go here


Remember the name Geoff Ereth right now, because one day he is going to be a BIG star.