Friday, February 27, 2009

Jimi Hendrix

So, I have my older brother Clark to thank for Jimi Hendrix. When I was around 10 or 12, he was kicking me down "Jimi Plays Monterey" and "Are You Experienced". Relative to the time in which he was hipping me to ear candy like Jimi, I was listening to Queensryche:


If you really want the full effect of Queensryche (like the picture above isn't enough), I suggest doing a google/youtube search for "Jet City Woman". Seriously, look them up; things of this nature aren't a waste of time. It's educational and a shinning gem of what was running rampant in full make up, tights, and stilettos before Nirvana.

If it wasn't for my brother, I'd probably be covering any other number of songs out there that aren't half as cool as ones like "Manic Depression". Thanks man; that's brotherly love for you right there.

~ Mike

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Special note to reader:

please refer to numbered footnotes below labeled as [1,2,3, etc.]... I realized shortly after writing this blog that myspace doesn't account for footnotes.

You know, I used to think I was good at multitasking[1] …

I have this clear recollection of when I was 8. One of my friends asked me if I could chew gum, rub my belly, and pat my head all at the same time[2]. At any rate, such acts seem to come pretty easy to me, and when it doesn’t, I relish in the effort to accomplish them; arbitrarily, let’s suggest getting my right and left hand to work together to play a song on piano… not easy, but I enjoy making it happen… or more to the point, keeping up on writing new blogs while I run through all of my other daily routines: working on the new album, coordinating rehearsals, writing new music, practicing new music[3], arranging and producing[4], booking shows, playing shows, setting up a tour, blah, blah, blah… you get the picture. Now it probably sounds like I’m making excuses[5]; I’m really just trying in vain to explain my abstinence from a regular online presence and feel that perhaps at the very least, I could write you all a little more often. I promise to make a better effort.

So speaking of the new album… it’s definitely giving me a musical woody[6] . In fact, I’ve posted a new song called “We’ve Been Down This Road Before”. I hope you like it. For those of you who are going to say “wasn’t that track already up on your page?” The answer is Yes and No[7] .

In conclusion, the good news is that while I have disappeared from the Internet, I have been quite busy… but hopefully to the greater benefit of your ears . The new album is a daily event and I have whole assortment of songs that are scheduled for recording, are recorded, or at the very least, are in the process of production. I can’t wait for them to reach your iPods, let alone, your ears.

My guitar is calling me. Got to go.

Questions, answers, fetishes[8]? Comments? Insults?

~ Mike

1. However, I’m certain that I’m good with footnotes. Exhibit A. Not to be confused with Xzibit. He can pimp your ride; this footnote, on the other hand, cannot.
2. Honestly, show me someone who can’t do that and I’ll make fun of them. That kid used to bore the shit out of me. Or did he? I could just be making him up… his name was Stephen… well I’m sure it still is Stephen.
3. I’m working on the John Coltrane Solo to “Moment’s Notice” on BLUE TRAIN as well Charlie Christian’s solo on the Benny Goodman track “I Found a New Baby”… it’s coming along nicely.
4. I wish that I could adequately describe how much of my time this takes... I suppose it’s something along the lines of a story I read regarding invention. When Thomas Edison was working on building the first light bulb, I think he failed well over a few thousand times before he got it right. In fact, this popular quote was derived from his efforts: “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” With this in mind, I have already created and discarded several permutations of productions/arrangements of various songs in which you will never hear. Only one will work; sometimes it’s hard to find creatively.
5. … and maybe I am.
6. It's all about song titles.
7. Yes it was up on my page previously but that version actually had programmed drums and bass in MIDI (I use these tracks to show the drummer and bass player what I have in mind) and was mixed by your truly… and I’m not very good at mixing music. In regard to the No portion of the statement, the version that I am putting up today has real musicians playing real instruments, has a number of new instruments that I wrote and performed myself (including vibes, Rhodes, organ, etc) and has been mixed by a professional. This one bumps in el coche (not to mention in non Spanish speaking cars as well).
8. I hope.