Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dear Steven Seagal

- This went off in the mail today after discovering Mr. Seagal's address in a recent children's publication. A cry for fan mail? Enjoy.

Dear Steven Seagal,

You are awesome. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you are my favorite actor, ever. I've loved you in a completely non-platonic way ever since seeing you purse your lips and hold a gun with two hands in "Hard to Kill." Never in my life have I seen so much depth and disposition, caring and genius, anger and passion go into your characters, over and over and over again. It's almost like you don't have to care when you act, and I love that. In fact, it's almost like you act like you act… now that's a real actor. Who else would have taught me as an actor to arrange my face in such an assortment of human emotions:

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You are a true genius. In fact, the real reason I'm writing is to pass an idea by you. What if we make a movie where a train gets hijacked by terrorists and you are just a chef! People would totally dig it! It's like they would get to see that human side of you, the side that I see in you so clearly. Well, it's just an idea. I hope you like it.

Oh, and I totally think you are the best actor on those TNT "made for TV movies," after all, they know drama.

Yours Truly,


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


You know, half the fun of playing shows at Plush Cafe is the ability that Gil and Ann give me to book artists that kisk ass. Over the next few months, I am pleased to say that I am surrounding myself with some of the better talent in the area. Tonight is no exception.

I cooked up something really dope this evening with two completely different musicians that are equally as talented and ready to seriously twist your head with some amazing original music:

Jaycob Van Auken




me of course
Mike Vitale

Let's start with Jaycob:

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As you can tell ladies, he's quite the sexy beast. This really isn't his fault. He would leave you to believe that he was born and raised in Fullerton, but this really isn't the truth now, is it Jaycob. The facts of this matter are skewed and ultimately irrelevant, but he was raised by wolves deep in the hills of Oregon:

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Before becoming more civilized:

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and ultimately leading our ears to salvation with Jaycob Van Auken and The Hooligans

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... and ladies and gentelmen, he's playing tonight at Plush Cafe.

Meiko on the other hand:

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she is a REALLY great songwriter as well, but I really don't know her personally yet... aside from these tidbits of information that she so kindly devulged... very sensitive stuff:

1.) She has ten fingers
2.) She has a head
3.) She tends to sleep with her eyes closed
4.) She prefers eating over not eating
5.) She really likes having feet

You heard it here first.

Now, basically, I am offering you ENTERTAINMENT here people. Here's how to get to it:

Plush Cafe
207 N. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton CA 92832

The Show starts at 7:30 PM

Visit their site at


Call them at 714 738 5100

All Ages - $5.00 at the door.

Hope to see you there.


- Mike

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm thinking of a word...

... it rhymes with:

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